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डॉ. जिया लाल राठौर .
Research Area:
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1-5 |
जलवायु परिवर्तन का कृषि पर प्रभाव: तहसील जैतपुर के विशेष संदर्भ में
जलवायु परिवर्तन कृषि पर महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव डाल रहा है, जिससे फसलों की उत्पादकता और गुणवत्ता पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ रहा है। तहसील जैतपुर में जलवायु परिवर्तन के कारण तापमान में वृद्धि, वर्षा में कमी, और मौसम की अनियमितता के कारण कृषि उत्पादकता पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ रहा है। इस अध्ययन में जलवायु परिवर्तन के कारण कृषि पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव का विश्लेषण किया गया है और इसके लिए समाधान सुझाए गए हैं।
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Bhaskar Mishra, Acharya Pandit Sumit Mishra, Acharya Pooja Pandey, Diksha Pandey.
Research Area:
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6-24 |
मनोवैज्ञानिक उपचार पद्धति में आथर्वण चिकित्सा का वैज्ञानिक अनुप्रयोग
भारतीय ज्ञान परम्परा में मानव जीवन को पूर्णतः स्वस्थ रखने के लिए ऋषियों ने प्रकृति के सूक्ष्मतम स्वरूप का अवलोकन कर अग्नि, वायु, जल, मृदा, एवं ध्वनि द्वारा जो हमारे पञ्चतत्वों के भी प्रतीक है, एवं इनके द्वारा साध्य एवं असाध्य समस्त रोगों का प्राकृतिक रूप से समाधान बताया। ऋषिपरम्परा का समापन होने से आज हम असाध्य रोगों जिनमें शारीरिक एवं मानसिक दोनों प्रकार के रोग है का समाधान करने में असफल हो रहें हैं, यदि वैज्ञानिक पद्धति द्वारा प्रयोगात्मक वेद जिसे हम अथर्ववेद के नाम से जानते हैं, का विज्ञान की पद्धति एवं वेद की विचारधारा का संयुक्त प्रयोग किया जाये, तो निश्चित रूप से हम पूर्णतः स्वस्थ होंगे। इस वैदिक विज्ञान के अनुप्रयोग को दैवी चिकित्सा (आथर्वण चिकित्सा) के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है, क्योंकि आथर्वण का तात्पर्य अग्नि के उपासक ऋषियों से है। आथर्वण चिकित्सा तीन चिकित्सा(आसुरी चिकित्सा, मानुषी चिकित्सा एवं दैवी चिकित्सा) में सर्वोत्तम है, जिसके द्वारा कैंसर, पैरालिसिस, मधुमेह, गठिया, आदि शारीरिक एवं असामान्य व्यवहार आदि मानसिक रोगों का पूर्ण शमन किया जा सकता है।
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Ramaswami Subramony.
Research Area:
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25-29 |
Raja Rao’s Novels: Thematic Exploration and Literary Techniques
Raja Rao is one of India's prominent writers in English He is well-known for his novels that explore the intersection of Indian philosophy, culture, and the complexities of modernity. His works are deeply rooted in the Indian experience. They are also marked by a universal, humanist approach. This research paper delves into the thematic concerns and narrative techniques employed by Raja Rao in his major novels, including Kantapura, The Serpent and the Rope, and The Cat and Shakespeare. It examines his exploration of Indian identity, the clash between tradition and modernity, and the influence of Indian philosophy on his writing. By analyzing the literary features and philosophical underpinnings of Rao’s works, the paper illustrates how his writing contributes to the postcolonial literary canon
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Ramesh Sahu, Prof. Gyanaranjan Swain.
Research Area:
Political Science
Page No:
30-41 |
Assessing the Impacts of Globalization on Local Governance: A Systematic Review
Globalization has immensely influenced local governance worldwide. It has had a significant impact on rural communities, particularly on the socio-economic life of vulnerable sections. Globalization has adversely affected the capacity of local institutions and the resilience of rural vulnerable communities. Besides, its benefits are more accessible to the urban population in India than the rural population. The review aims to meticulously assess how globalization impacts local governance, particularly in rural areas, by synthesizing existing literature. The study mainly tries to identify a gap in the research concerning the impacts of globalization on the rural local bodies through systematic review methods, including bibliometric analysis and Prisma flow chart.
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Kanu Priya.
Research Area:
Home Science
Page No:
42-51 |
Impact of Media on Rural and Urban Women Empowerment – A Comparative Study
This study investigates media’s role in women empowerment focusing on rural and urban women providing comparative insights. Media is a strong means of information and advocacy and this serves to enhance the understanding, attitudes and actions against gender violence. The research looks into the roles of various types of media in traditional and social in promoting the economic and cultural empowerment of women in these different settings. The consideration of rural and urban beneficiaries makes it possible to account for differences in the availability of media, the relevance of its content and the media and empowerment effects.
A survey and focus group discussions were used to collect data in the rural and urban women targeted by the research. The results show that although media empowerment in both contexts does help women in urban areas, there are considerable gaps. Women in urban areas seem to be more empowered in terms of access to information and digital channels due to more enabling them opportunities for education, employment and advocacy. On the other hand, women in rural areas have limited exposure to the internet and mainly depend on radio and television. Community based radio stations also help to solve community issues.
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Sonali Narware, Sonal Narware.
Research Area:
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52-61 |
पद्म पुराण में वर्णित पर्यावरणीय विमर्श
वर्तमान समय मे इतिहासकारों द्वारा हमारे वैदिक ग्रन्थों, महाकाव्यों,पुराणों में वर्णित पर्यावरण चेतना एवं दर्शन पर गहन रूप से प्रकाश डाला जा रहा है। किन्तु अभी भी इसका दायरा सीमित रूप में ही दिखाई देता है। इसलिये मैं इस शोध के माध्यम से विशेष रुप से पदम पुराण में वर्णित पर्यावरणीय चेतना पर अध्ययन प्रस्तुत कर रही हूं। इस शोध के माध्यम से पर्यावरण के जैविक तत्वों, अजैविक तत्वों, पर्यावरण प्रदूषण, शिकार एवं पर्यावरण शोषण जैसी गतिविधियो, पर्यावरण संरक्षण एवं पर्यावरण नैतिकता पर प्राचीन भारतीय समाज के लोगों की क्या समझ थी? इस विषय मे जानकारी प्राप्त करने का एक प्रयास इस शोध के माध्यम से किया है।
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Sonal Narware, Sonali Narware.
Research Area:
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62-70 |
प्राचीन समाज में प्रचलित आभरण: उनके नाम एवं प्रकार
लोगों के व्यक्तिगत श्रृंगार की सबसे शानदार और आकर्षक वस्तु आभूषण है। रंग, चमक, टिकाऊ मूल्य और सामग्री की कमी इन विशेषताओं के कारण आभूषण मनुष्य को आकर्षित करते हैं। मानव मन का सौंदर्य के प्रति आकर्षण आज से नही बल्कि अत्यंत प्राचीन समय से रहा है जब मानव जीवन यापन के लिए नई नई चीजों की खोज कर रहा था । रंग बिरंगे फूल पत्तियां टहनियां, सूर्य की स्वर्ण आभा, चंद्र का रूप बदलना (चंद्र कलांए), ज्यामितिय आकर और आकृतिया, नदियों और समुद्र के जल की लहरे, एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर दौड़ते हुए विभिन्न रूप रंग के पशु- पक्षी, कीट-पतंगे; प्रकृति के इन सभी आकर्षक रूपों तथा भौतिक पदार्थ से लगाव (जैसे:- शंख, कौड़ी, मोती, सीपी, मणि, रत्न, धातु, हाथी दांत) ने मनुष्य की आभूषण पहनने की इच्छा को विकसित किया।कौटिल्य ने अर्थशास्त्र में विभिन्न प्रकार की मोतियों की लड़ी अर्थात यष्टि जो कि सिरबंध, कमरबंध, मणिबंध, हार और पायल की तरह पहनी जाती थी का उल्लेख किया है
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Dolly Chak, Dr. Shubhra Saraswat.
Research Area:
Public administration
Page No:
71-78 |
The Role of Efficient Food Service Delivery in Enhancing Public Health: Challenges and Innovations
This research paper focuses on modern food service delivery systems, which have a strong impact on public health. It was observed that timely meal delivery has shown to have a positive influence on incremental dietary patterns for improvement in the security of food availability, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study investigates key challenges ranging from operational inefficiency, food safety issues, and negative environmental footprint, among others, going in depth about new innovations such as AI-powered apps, and even delivery through drones. A discussion developing these aspects above leads the paper to the need for sustainable practices to integrate technological integrations into the roles of public health toward the development of the best food delivery systems.
This research further looks into how technology can help in smoothing delivery logistics, meal customization, and ensuring quality in the food process. The paper, therefore, underlines the effort to arrive at a balanced ecosystem with reduced environmental impact and associates the rise in demand for easy access to healthy food options. The findings bring out policies and strategic investments in enhancing technologies as vital to improving public health due to improved delivery services.
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Huy Hang.
Research Area:
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79-88 |
Analysis of Moral Impact and Practices of the Five Precepts by Cambodian Buddhism
This study delves into the crucial role of moral ethics in fostering worldwide peace and well-being, with a specific emphasis on the five precepts of Buddhist ethics as observed within the Khmer community. Through an exploration of the meaning of morality, the practical application of the five precepts, and the contextual considerations linked to each precept, the research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ethical framework within the Khmer society. Additionally, the study seeks to unravel the benefits of upholding the five precepts, as well as the potential consequences of transgressing them in both the present life and the afterlife. Furthermore, the paper aims to explore the diverse interpretations and understandings of the five precepts prevalent among Khmer Buddhists, providing insights into the multifaceted nature of ethical principles within this community. By shedding light on the significance of moral ethics and the specific focus on the five precepts within the Khmer context, this research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the moral and ethical landscape within the Khmer Buddhist tradition and its potential implications for promoting peace and happiness on a global scale.
Keywords: practice, morality, culpability, consequence, benefit, the ways of practice, five precepts
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Dr Jakka Pradeep.
Research Area:
Page No:
89-94 |
Effects of Technology, Adversity Quotient (AQ), and Social Stability on Mental Health
The performance of total society, its customs, values and usual style of life is referred as mental health. The ability to find, challenge, and solve problems suggests positive mental health. Mentally healthy individual participates in some or other plan intended to help the humanity and survives a good adjustment with social situations. The state of unity between oneself and others, a co-existence between lives of the self and other people and being able to love, to be joyful, to be able to cope stress and to be self-confident involves mental health. Technology use has increased quickly in therapy. Machinery is having a deep impact on almost every aspect of life. The streaming video and wireless connectivity will impact how counsellor perform in future. The practice of cyber counselling is growing as a modality by which counselling services are delivered. Social stability is key for the development of any society and it gives a basis for quality of life, political governance, and economic progress. This refers to the well-being where a community experience consistency, order, and harmony and social stability is characterized by lack of significant disturbance, rapid change and conflict. Adversities may be in the form of financial instability, career insecurity, loss of job, and other events that impact both short term and long-term mental health or illness of an individual. Adversity intelligence can overcome, withstand and perform optimally in difficulties that oppose every day. Adversity quotient (AQ) represents the idea of surviving fairly than giving up.
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Mrs. Chhavi Singh, Mr. Sunil Kumar Jha.
Research Area:
Page No:
95-103 |
The Authors as Theologians: Homer and Valmiki in the Creation of Olympian and Hindu Divinity
Homer, credited with composing the Iliad and the Odyssey, and Valmiki, revered as the author of the Ramayana, have long transcended the confines of secular authorship to ascend to a unique, quasi-theological stature. Their epics not only laid the literary foundations for ancient Greek and Hindu civilizations but also served as formative texts that profoundly shaped religious consciousness. While Homer’s Olympian deities, capricious, awe-inspiring, and occasionally prone to human folly, captured the spiritual imagination of the ancient Greeks, Valmiki’s portrayal of divine figures, including Rama and the pantheon of Hindu gods, continues to guide religious practices in the Indian subcontinent. Through these epic narratives, both authors embedded theological principles within their storytelling, creating moral, metaphysical, and spiritual paradigms.
In both the Iliad and the Ramayana, the storytellers, Homer and Valmiki, go beyond mere narrative to weave profound theological elements into the fabric of their epics. Each text portrays divine beings intimately involved in human affairs, illustrating moral codes and higher laws that govern the cosmos. In the Iliad, Olympian gods reflect both humanity’s failings and nobility, underscoring themes such as honour, fate, and the sacred power of oaths. Characters experience divine intervention in battles, and the ethical ramifications of pride, hospitality, and loyalty are foregrounded, transforming battlefield valour into a reflection on existential order.
Similarly, in the Ramayana, Valmiki grounds his tale in the concept of dharma, the cosmic law and ethical duty that upholds creation. Rama’s journey is more than an adventure; it is a demonstration of righteousness, selfless action, and devotion to truth. Supernatural episodes and appearances of deities further highlight the spiritual dimensions that guide and test the hero’s moral resilience. Through these narratives, both Homer and Valmiki articulate foundational theological principles, human conduct in the face of divine will and cosmic order, and in doing so, each transcends the role of mere poet or chronicler. Instead, they become theologians who shape enduring moral, metaphysical, and spiritual paradigms.
This study investigates how Homer and Valmiki achieved the status of theologians, examining their narrative techniques, symbolic language, and the socio-cultural factors influencing their elevation from mere storytellers to creators of religious canon. We compare excerpts from the Iliad, where gods like Ares and Zeus exhibit tempestuous personalities yet remain objects of veneration, to shlokas from the Ramayana that illustrate the divine stature of Rama. In analyzing the textual fabric of these epics, we shall highlight how the interplay of myth, morality, and metaphysical inquiry established enduring religious traditions.
We also address the complexities and apparent moral ambiguities in the deeds of these gods, citing the words of Erasmus, “If anyone examines more closely the lives of those sober gods in Homer… he will find them all full of folly”, alongside Hindu parallels, such as the ‘nefarious’ deeds of Indra or the mischievous interventions of Narada. By placing these deities within a broader cosmic framework, where maintaining dharma and cosmic order supersedes human concepts of good or evil, we illustrate how these authors navigated theological conundrums to propose deeper existential truths.
Our findings suggest that it was the unification of grand narrative artistry, sophisticated moral philosophy, and their epics’ openness to varied interpretations that granted Homer and Valmiki their theological prominence. This research contends that their works served as more than cultural artifacts; they became living scriptures that continue to influence faith, worship, and moral reflection for millions of adherents worldwide.
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Ashish Ranjan.
Research Area:
Page No:
104-108 |
Reimagining Feminism: Current Trends in Postcolonial English Literature.
Abstract: This research article explores the latest trends in feminism within the realm of postcolonial English literature. It delves into the evolving discourse on feminism in postcolonial contexts, highlighting key themes, theories, and approaches that characterize contemporary scholarship. By examining the intersectionality of gender, race, class, and nationality, this article aims to provide insights into how postcolonial feminist literature has evolved and continues to challenge dominant narratives. Through a review of recent literature, this article also addresses the complexities of representing women's experiences in postcolonial societies, the role of women writers in reshaping literary landscapes, and the influence of globalization and digital media on feminist discourse. Ultimately, this article argues that postcolonial feminist literature remains a vibrant and crucial field that not only critiques historical injustices but also envisions new possibilities for gender equality and social justice.Keywords - feminism, postcolonial, literature, gender, race, class, nationality, globalization, digital media